As I have begun my professional career as a costume designer I have run into a few things that I didn't realize were givens when working on a show. There are a few things I needed to budget for/remind people I needed/etc that were already there and waiting as a student. I thought I'd share a few of these so those of you leaving academia in the near future will be more prepared.
I thought I'd circle back around and revisit the Paper Portfolio that I had written about while I was interviewing for graduate schools. Having now finished my MFA I thought I'd give some updated tips. For the most part the only time you will need to have a physical paper portfolio is when interviewing for school (grad/undergrad) or in very specific summer stocks, regional theatres, etc.
The final page of a portfolio is usually an odd single page (since you started with the resume), so something that is a little different than what is filling most of the portfolio can be a fun way to end/start the discussion you want to have with a future employer or educator.
July 2021